In what way(s) have you surprised yourself this semester on your blog? Have you tried topics you didn't think you'd write about? Approached a familiar topic from an unfamiliar angle? Discovered more "depth" to a topic than you first thought was possible? Explain.
I wouldn't say my writing has necessarily improved very much over this course of this year, but I'd say I have chosen to write about topics I wouldn't normally have thought of expanding my thoughts on. Some of these topics may have been assigned to me, but I still enjoyed writing about them in the long run. For example, never in a million years would I have considered putting my cousin Catherine's story on the internet for the whole world to see, but I did it anyways. Looking back on it now, I really don't know why I decided to blog about it, but now I'm glad I did because I feel like I have come to terms with it and her death would not be in vain.
Last semester, I said that I should write about things more unfamiliar to me because I was staying in my comfort zone way too much. I feel like I did that this semester, to some extent. In my blog about human nature and massacres, I talked about how it is in everyone's instincts to want to kill, and have power over others. Humans are, in fact, animals. In this post, I pushed myself to think outside the box and to write about the topic more in depth.
Other topics I wrote about are somewhat closer to home, but I still wrote about them more in depth than I normally would have. In our blog about love, writing about the rules of love really made me think about who got to make the rules that are 'socially acceptable'. Blogging more in depth about common topics really gives me a better sense of knowing what I'm writing about (if that makes any sense) so that I have a lot to say and a much lower probability of getting writer's block.
How do you like having a blog? How has blogging changed the way you write, the way you think, or the way you think about writing? * For the second semester only: Do you plan on continuing to publish writing on your blog this summer, next year, or beyond? If so, what are your writing goals and how will you use your blog in the future?
I really like having a blog. I think that once I started thinking of blogging as a way to express myself rather than homework or an assignment, I started to really enjoy it. I wasn't in this class when we all made our blogs and started the first few posts, but I feel like I understand the point of blogging. The fact that the blog posts are due weekly also pushes me to constantly be thinking about the aspects of my life that I want to write about. I mean, it's not like I am one of those people who constantly thinks about what they could write next and how they're going to write it, but I think blogging has helped me realize that writing doesn't always have to be a chore.
Blogging has also helped me outside of the classroom. When I come across something during the day that really speaks to me, whether it be a song, a picture, or simply just an outstanding memory, thinking of how I could blog about it can help me think more in depth about it. Plus, it feels good to be able to write about almost anything I want, allowing myself to express how I'm feeling that certain day or even that week.
But a lot of my blogs are sloppy and frankly, written in almost a childish way. Most of the time, I look at my blog posts as quickwrites. I just keep writing about my chosen topic until I feel like it is finished. This may not be the best method of blogging when it counts for a grade, but I think I will try to improve my organization during the second semester, as well as what I talked about in question #6 (above) about writing about topics outside of my normal comfort zone.
I will definitely try to keep my blog going for as long as I can just to express thoughts my on things. I won't necessarily have writing goals, but I would like it to be something I can express myself on whether it be through writing, music, pictures, or quotes. I also might transfer it onto a tumblr because it is much more popular with my age group nowadays, and I would be able to find more people with similar thoughts or ideas.
What have you learned from your struggles with writer's block? Why do you tend to get stuck? How do you tend to get unstuck? Notice any patterns?
I think I'd have to say I'm someone who constantly get's writer's block, but I don't know if I would call it writer's block as much as it is being distracted. Sometimes it really IS writer's block though. Last semester, I said that the best way to beat writer's block is to take breaks in between writing to find things that inspire you to write more, but I have found that these 'breaks' are SUPER time-consuming. You wind up getting a little bit TOO sidetracked and losing track of time. Before you know it, it could be 11:00pm and you have 3 sentences written because you decided to take a '10 minute facebook break' that turned into a '3 hour facebook break'.
This semester, I have found that the best way to beat writer's block AND to keep from getting distracted is to eliminate distractions by choosing topics that you feel passionately about. For example, my final blog post about my pet peeves was really easy to write because it was so easy to explain the things that irked me. You can see this trend throughout most of my posts this semester, like the one about my family members and my trip to Italy this spring break (which is still have yet to finish writing about).
Following up on the first question, I think that blogging and writing about topics that I am comfortable with makes it much easier to keep the flow of writing going. If you have a lot to say about a topic, it's easy just to let them all spill onto paper (or in this case, your blog). In doing this, writer's block could be completely eliminated if you're smart about your writing. I mean, distractions could still be there, but that's a matter of self-control and I have no remedies for that other than becoming mentally tougher for the sake of time and the quality of your writing.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Tenth Circle Monthly Review
The Tenth Circle is a novel by Jodi Picoult that tells the story of the Stone family. The story is set in the small town of Bethel, Maine. Daniel Stone is a comic book illustrator and his wife Laura is a college professor. Their daughter Trixie is a pretty and popular freshman at her high school, where her boyfriend Jason Underhill is easily one of the most popular boys.
A series of significant events takes place in this story. When Jason breaks up with Trixie, she is heartbroken. She even turns to self-mutilation (cutting herself). Laura is cheating on Daniel with one of her students, but she ended it. Trixie went to a party at her best friend Zephyr's house, where she says she was raped by Jason.
Daniel, who loves Trixie more than anything else in the world, is frantic because someone raped his daughter. I wrote more about this part of the book in my lit circle letter here. He is also extremely angry at Laura, who wasn't there for Trixie when she needed her the most. Instead, she was with her paramour that night, ending the affair.
Of course, Jason completely denies raping Trixie, saying it was consensual. The whole town of Bethel sides with Jason because he is the star hockey player at Bethel High School and in their town, hockey is the biggest sport. The detective investigating the rape, Mike Batholomew, understands Daniel's pain as a father because he lost his daughter in a car accident and was oblivious to her drug use until she was dead. Both fathers felt extremely guilty for not being able to protect their daughters.
A few weeks after Trixie returns to school, a topless picture of her from the night of the rape gets out. She tries to kill herself in the bathroom, but her mother finds her just in time. This becomes the last straw for Daniel, and he kidnaps Jason Underhill and nearly kills him.
After Trixie's suicide attempt, things spin out of control. Jason ends up falling off of a bridge. At first it was believed that he committed suicide, but evidence came up that linked Trixie to the scene of the crime. Trixie runs away to the Alaskan village that her father grew up in and eventually ran away from. I won't give away the ending to this book so I'll just get on answering a couple of these questions!
Pick a character that interested you and write about them in depth. You can also analyze a relationship between two different characters.
For this question, I have decided to choose two characters to analyze because I really can't analyze one without analyzing the other. In the book, they work as a team even in their darkest hour. Of course, I am talking about Daniel and Laura Stone, the parents of Trixie.
One would think that Trixie, being the rape victim, would be the main character of the story, but in my opinion, her parents play a much bigger role in the plot. Daniel is my favorite character. He has a mysterious past as a stereotypical "bad boy", being involved in drugs, alcohol, and violence. To go from that to a doting, mild-mannered, tactful suburban father is completely amazing. Daniel grew up as the only white kid in a small Alaskan village, where he was an outcast. After he fled to Bethel, he settled down for the love of his life, Laura. Ironically, him changing his ways is ultimately what drove Laura away from him.
Laura is a college professor at Monroe College, where her class about hell is very popular. Her class is based on Dante's Inferno, which describes the nine circles of hell. The book is called The Tenth Circle because Laura came up with a part of hell that was reserved for people who committed the worst sin of all: lying to themselves. This idea really sums up a lot of the book.
Laura's affair puts an obvious strain on her marriage to Daniel. They struggle with it because they obviously can't put their problems first during Trixie's time of need. Laura feels extremely guilty about everything while Daniel keeps everything bottled in because once he gets mad, he loses control and winds up turning back into the "animal" he was before.
There are so many unspoken aspects of Daniel and Laura's marriage that prove that they really were meant for each other, and maybe staying together through this time of turmoil is what made them realize that they really always needed each other.
If you've read other books by this same author, how does this one compare? (You don't need to decide which one is better, although you can.)
The last lit circle book that I read, My Sister's Keeper, was also written by the same author, Jodi Picoult. Both books are written extremely well, with intricate plots and characters with a lot of depth. Also, in both books, you really get a sense of each character's personalities and their perspectives. Here's the Monthly review that I wrote for My Sister's Keeper.
I feel that My Sister's Keeper is somewhat more organized than The Tenth Circle, only because the perspectives and stories from each character are all put in the section that tells the story from their perspective. The Tenth Circle is told from a third-person perspective at all times, so it may get confusing when each character recalls a memory when a different character just was being portrayed in the text.
Although My Sister's Keeper may be more organized, both books have amazingly written plots about dysfunctional families. Both stories also keep the reader satisfied with just the right amount of drama and suspense. In all honesty, I like My Sister's Keeper better because there is a lot more substance and the plot branches out a lot more. There is a main conflict, but there are also much more internal conflicts going on within the characters than in The Tenth Circle.A series of significant events takes place in this story. When Jason breaks up with Trixie, she is heartbroken. She even turns to self-mutilation (cutting herself). Laura is cheating on Daniel with one of her students, but she ended it. Trixie went to a party at her best friend Zephyr's house, where she says she was raped by Jason.
Daniel, who loves Trixie more than anything else in the world, is frantic because someone raped his daughter. I wrote more about this part of the book in my lit circle letter here. He is also extremely angry at Laura, who wasn't there for Trixie when she needed her the most. Instead, she was with her paramour that night, ending the affair.
Of course, Jason completely denies raping Trixie, saying it was consensual. The whole town of Bethel sides with Jason because he is the star hockey player at Bethel High School and in their town, hockey is the biggest sport. The detective investigating the rape, Mike Batholomew, understands Daniel's pain as a father because he lost his daughter in a car accident and was oblivious to her drug use until she was dead. Both fathers felt extremely guilty for not being able to protect their daughters.
A few weeks after Trixie returns to school, a topless picture of her from the night of the rape gets out. She tries to kill herself in the bathroom, but her mother finds her just in time. This becomes the last straw for Daniel, and he kidnaps Jason Underhill and nearly kills him.
After Trixie's suicide attempt, things spin out of control. Jason ends up falling off of a bridge. At first it was believed that he committed suicide, but evidence came up that linked Trixie to the scene of the crime. Trixie runs away to the Alaskan village that her father grew up in and eventually ran away from. I won't give away the ending to this book so I'll just get on answering a couple of these questions!
Pick a character that interested you and write about them in depth. You can also analyze a relationship between two different characters.
For this question, I have decided to choose two characters to analyze because I really can't analyze one without analyzing the other. In the book, they work as a team even in their darkest hour. Of course, I am talking about Daniel and Laura Stone, the parents of Trixie.
One would think that Trixie, being the rape victim, would be the main character of the story, but in my opinion, her parents play a much bigger role in the plot. Daniel is my favorite character. He has a mysterious past as a stereotypical "bad boy", being involved in drugs, alcohol, and violence. To go from that to a doting, mild-mannered, tactful suburban father is completely amazing. Daniel grew up as the only white kid in a small Alaskan village, where he was an outcast. After he fled to Bethel, he settled down for the love of his life, Laura. Ironically, him changing his ways is ultimately what drove Laura away from him.
Laura is a college professor at Monroe College, where her class about hell is very popular. Her class is based on Dante's Inferno, which describes the nine circles of hell. The book is called The Tenth Circle because Laura came up with a part of hell that was reserved for people who committed the worst sin of all: lying to themselves. This idea really sums up a lot of the book.
Laura's affair puts an obvious strain on her marriage to Daniel. They struggle with it because they obviously can't put their problems first during Trixie's time of need. Laura feels extremely guilty about everything while Daniel keeps everything bottled in because once he gets mad, he loses control and winds up turning back into the "animal" he was before.
There are so many unspoken aspects of Daniel and Laura's marriage that prove that they really were meant for each other, and maybe staying together through this time of turmoil is what made them realize that they really always needed each other.
If you've read other books by this same author, how does this one compare? (You don't need to decide which one is better, although you can.)
The last lit circle book that I read, My Sister's Keeper, was also written by the same author, Jodi Picoult. Both books are written extremely well, with intricate plots and characters with a lot of depth. Also, in both books, you really get a sense of each character's personalities and their perspectives. Here's the Monthly review that I wrote for My Sister's Keeper.
I feel that My Sister's Keeper is somewhat more organized than The Tenth Circle, only because the perspectives and stories from each character are all put in the section that tells the story from their perspective. The Tenth Circle is told from a third-person perspective at all times, so it may get confusing when each character recalls a memory when a different character just was being portrayed in the text.
The Tenth Circle is still a good book, but it doesn't evoke the same emotion that reading My Sister's Keeper does. Reading My Sister's Keeper puts questions of ethics into one's head that any other regular novel like The Tenth Circle could never do. Reading The Tenth Circle, I felt sympathetic to the pain that the Stone family went through, but the issues of that the Fitzgerald family faced seemed so much more significant than those of the Stone Family. Nevertheless, The Tenth Circle is still a wonderful book I would highly recommend.
Friday, May 21, 2010
pet peeves?
i get really annoyed really easily, it's one of my best qualities :) NOT. haha but here is a list (that has been cut down A LOT) of some things that piss me off.
1. people who chew obnoxiously.
why do people feel the need to chew with their mouth open and/or super loudly? you are disgusting, and you have no manners. no one wants to hear you tearing your food apart with your teef. leave.
2. ignorance towards asians.
this one is especially pet-peevey because it always happens and it is completely avoidable. examples of this type of ignorance are as follows -
a) 'all asians look the same' ARE YOU KIDDING ME. i admit some may looks similar but making a stupid generalization like that just makes you sound like an idiot. that's like if i said all black people look the same, and they definitely do not.
b) 'whatever, you guys are all asian, you guys are all the same thing' there is no explanation for this needed. it's basically the same exact one of a.
c) 'ching-chong' no asian race says these words or anything remotely close to them. the fact that people think that they do is completely off-base. if you wanted to imitate asians and you say something along the lines of "ching chong", you end up looking like a ruhtard and youd probably get jumped by some triad homies.
d) 'go back to china' i hear this a lot, especially towards people who aren't even from china. this is probably the comment that pisses me off the most. this is extremely disrespectful and just outta pocket in general. rude beyond belief, and you'd most def get GASSED by some triad homies.
e) i could go on and on, but i shall stop here to further explain my pet peeves.
3. obnoxious attention whores.
this would be directed to someone specifically but yeah. why do some people go around thinking that everyone cares SO MUCH about their loves? they put all their personal shit out there for everyone to know and then make a big fuss about it afterwards. and the thing is, everyone knows that you're doing it for attention. what the fuck is the point? you just end up looking like a dumbass. stop embarrassing yourself and your so-called friends.
4. certain people who think they are adorable when they are grimy
speaks for itself.
5. bad drivers.
if you KNOW you're a bad driver, take public transportation. if you KNOW you're a slow driver, get the fuck outa the fast lane so you're not holding everyone up. simple as that.
6. rude/disrespectful people
i see so many people disrespecting others, its ridiculous. the worst is when adults disrespect teenagers because they think we are stupid and they expect/demand respect from us. it's an eye for an eye, you give respect to get it back. if you don't know how to be respectful, no one's going to respect you back so get the fuck outta here!
well i am done ranting for now, and i probably won't get around to thinking of more things that piss me off but yeah, au revoir
1. people who chew obnoxiously.
why do people feel the need to chew with their mouth open and/or super loudly? you are disgusting, and you have no manners. no one wants to hear you tearing your food apart with your teef. leave.
2. ignorance towards asians.
this one is especially pet-peevey because it always happens and it is completely avoidable. examples of this type of ignorance are as follows -
a) 'all asians look the same' ARE YOU KIDDING ME. i admit some may looks similar but making a stupid generalization like that just makes you sound like an idiot. that's like if i said all black people look the same, and they definitely do not.
b) 'whatever, you guys are all asian, you guys are all the same thing' there is no explanation for this needed. it's basically the same exact one of a.
c) 'ching-chong' no asian race says these words or anything remotely close to them. the fact that people think that they do is completely off-base. if you wanted to imitate asians and you say something along the lines of "ching chong", you end up looking like a ruhtard and youd probably get jumped by some triad homies.
d) 'go back to china' i hear this a lot, especially towards people who aren't even from china. this is probably the comment that pisses me off the most. this is extremely disrespectful and just outta pocket in general. rude beyond belief, and you'd most def get GASSED by some triad homies.
e) i could go on and on, but i shall stop here to further explain my pet peeves.
3. obnoxious attention whores.
this would be directed to someone specifically but yeah. why do some people go around thinking that everyone cares SO MUCH about their loves? they put all their personal shit out there for everyone to know and then make a big fuss about it afterwards. and the thing is, everyone knows that you're doing it for attention. what the fuck is the point? you just end up looking like a dumbass. stop embarrassing yourself and your so-called friends.
4. certain people who think they are adorable when they are grimy
speaks for itself.
5. bad drivers.
if you KNOW you're a bad driver, take public transportation. if you KNOW you're a slow driver, get the fuck outa the fast lane so you're not holding everyone up. simple as that.
6. rude/disrespectful people
i see so many people disrespecting others, its ridiculous. the worst is when adults disrespect teenagers because they think we are stupid and they expect/demand respect from us. it's an eye for an eye, you give respect to get it back. if you don't know how to be respectful, no one's going to respect you back so get the fuck outta here!
well i am done ranting for now, and i probably won't get around to thinking of more things that piss me off but yeah, au revoir
Thursday, May 20, 2010
the tenth circle letter part 3
I always love the ending of books because they always have sooo much drama! So in the end of this book, we find out that Trixie ran away to the Alaskan village that her dad grew up in/ran away from. She meets this Alaskan boy named Willie who's quiet and nice and makes her feel safe. Daniel and Laura follow her, and Laura ends up staying with Caine's family. If ya don't remembaa, Caine was Daniel's best friend/only friend in Alaska since Daniel was the only white kid and an outsider. Caine was the one who killed himself, the one whose blood ended up on Daniel's hands.
Anyways, the ending of this book is written very well, and it keeps you hanging is suspense because it flashes back and forth between the Stones' search for their daughter and Mike, the detective, scrambling for cold hard evidence that Trixie pushed Jason off the bridge. It's kind of like a show, when they they switch between different scenes. The incriminating evidence that Daniel ends up finding is: a) The blood of a female on Jason's body; b) The bootprint that matches that of Trixie Stone's snow boots; and c) The bright red lock of hair found at the scene.
When Daniel finally finds Trixie, the truth comes out.
"She had told him her secret: that she was a liar. Not just about being a virgin and playing Rainbow... but even more. She'd never said no to Jason that night. although she'd told the DA she had. [...] But no one ever said yes to make sex consensual. You took hints from body language, from the way two people came together. Why, then, didn't a shake of the head or a hand pushing hard against a chest speak just as loudly? Why did you have to actually say the word no for it to be rape?" (pg 372)
This quote is really important to me because it starts to unravel Trixie's web of lies (<-- you likey?). It also really makes the reader think about the crime of rape. The line between sex and rape may seem like a fine one, but if you really think about it, sometimes that line is blurred.
The police also find Trixie as well, and they have a warrant out for her arrest. Naturally, Daniel and Laura come to Trixie's defense and both take the blame for Jason's death. At the end, it turns out that Laura, the mother, was the one who killed Jason Underhill. I always knew that Trixie, a child, could never be capable or murdering anyone, much less her ex-boyfriend whom she was still very much in love with.
Well I'm sad that this is our last lit circle but I'm really glad I ended with this book. It was amazing and beautifully written. :)
I always love the ending of books because they always have sooo much drama! So in the end of this book, we find out that Trixie ran away to the Alaskan village that her dad grew up in/ran away from. She meets this Alaskan boy named Willie who's quiet and nice and makes her feel safe. Daniel and Laura follow her, and Laura ends up staying with Caine's family. If ya don't remembaa, Caine was Daniel's best friend/only friend in Alaska since Daniel was the only white kid and an outsider. Caine was the one who killed himself, the one whose blood ended up on Daniel's hands.
Anyways, the ending of this book is written very well, and it keeps you hanging is suspense because it flashes back and forth between the Stones' search for their daughter and Mike, the detective, scrambling for cold hard evidence that Trixie pushed Jason off the bridge. It's kind of like a show, when they they switch between different scenes. The incriminating evidence that Daniel ends up finding is: a) The blood of a female on Jason's body; b) The bootprint that matches that of Trixie Stone's snow boots; and c) The bright red lock of hair found at the scene.
When Daniel finally finds Trixie, the truth comes out.
"She had told him her secret: that she was a liar. Not just about being a virgin and playing Rainbow... but even more. She'd never said no to Jason that night. although she'd told the DA she had. [...] But no one ever said yes to make sex consensual. You took hints from body language, from the way two people came together. Why, then, didn't a shake of the head or a hand pushing hard against a chest speak just as loudly? Why did you have to actually say the word no for it to be rape?" (pg 372)
This quote is really important to me because it starts to unravel Trixie's web of lies (<-- you likey?). It also really makes the reader think about the crime of rape. The line between sex and rape may seem like a fine one, but if you really think about it, sometimes that line is blurred.
The police also find Trixie as well, and they have a warrant out for her arrest. Naturally, Daniel and Laura come to Trixie's defense and both take the blame for Jason's death. At the end, it turns out that Laura, the mother, was the one who killed Jason Underhill. I always knew that Trixie, a child, could never be capable or murdering anyone, much less her ex-boyfriend whom she was still very much in love with.
Well I'm sad that this is our last lit circle but I'm really glad I ended with this book. It was amazing and beautifully written. :)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
1. What rules dictate the behavior of young men and women in relationships today?
Relationships don't necessarily have rules, but people have expectations set in their minds when they get into relationships. Generally, girls expect someone they can rely on and someone who will treat them with respect. Guys want to feel needed, plus they want the poon.
2. Name a situation in which the rules have clearly been violated. In other words, what are things "nice girls" just don't do? What are things "nice guys" just don't do?Relationships don't necessarily have rules, but people have expectations set in their minds when they get into relationships. Generally, girls expect someone they can rely on and someone who will treat them with respect. Guys want to feel needed, plus they want the poon.
"Nice girls" and "nice guys" NEVER cheat. Conversations with other people that involve sexual connotations can still be considered infidelities. People in committed relationships should never cheat. I think that's the most basic rule in relationships. No one wants to feel betrayed.
3. What are the possible consequences for breaking these rules?
If the significant other cheats, bad things WILL happen. Unless the person that was cheated on is a pussy bitch. On top of being dumped, the cheater might find their belongings damaged, missing, torched, etc. They might also have their car/house egged. A popular choice for revenge is vandalism. :)
4. Where do these rules come from? Who "invented" them and who enforces them?
These rules or expectations for relationships mostly come from the media. Every single movie or TV show made has some sort of relationship in it. They show the good things as well as the bad, and the viewers make up their own minds about what to expect. Everyone's parents parents also set the example for many relationships. I know many parents today get divorced without thinking about the effects if causes on their childrens' perspectives about marriage and relationships.
No one can really define love and relationships, so why are there certain guidelines for them ?
Friday, May 14, 2010
i used to think about you every second of everyday. it sucked because i knew every minute you were on my mind, some other girl was on yours. the time i spent with you was basically the happiest i can remember being, even if i didn’t seem like i had fun. i hate what you think of me. i hate that we don’t have special inside jokes. the things you tell me and ask me and make me laugh about, are the same things that you talk about with every other girl. maybe I’m too jealous, but every girl just wants to feel special. it sucks so bad that you barely remember me. i know that when i walk by you, you take it as nothing. but when i walk by you, it basically brightens up my day times a million. every time you touch me i swear i wish i could just freeze that moment. i love the memories i have. but i bet you don’t remember half of them. i remember all of it. just thinking of you makes me smile. your the person who can give me eternal butterflies. but sadly they are starting to go away. because its been so long since i’ve actually had a conversation with you. i miss you so much. i know if you called me i would basically melt, and you would be on my mind all the time, again. and i just don’t know what to do anymore. should i avoid you so that i can get through the day without getting distracted? or should i just give in, and go after you like never before. its hard to open up and not be shy, but i could go for it. i know its the best feeling in the world but is it really worth feeling rejected and like you don’t even care. because i know i cant count on you towards anything. and i cant even talk to you. i stare at my computer all day wanting you to come online so badly. and every time my phone goes off, i always wish it would be you, but it never is.
if only you knew, but then again that would just ruin everything that we've ever had. but even THAT'S not much. how much do i really even know about you? and vice versa? we're so close yet so far away. i just wish it could be different. would it really be that "weird" for you if you knew? it's not like that information would affect anything, unless you wanted it to. i don't wanna give you TOO much power but it'd be up to you whether or not you would want to do anything with what i told you. what i'm telling you. you'll never see this, you'll never know. maybe things should just stay that way. this really puts a strain on our friendship. i need to stop doing this, falling for every guy best friend i've ever had. how pathetic. this will just be another suppressed emotion. after all, it's for the best, right..?
if only you knew, but then again that would just ruin everything that we've ever had. but even THAT'S not much. how much do i really even know about you? and vice versa? we're so close yet so far away. i just wish it could be different. would it really be that "weird" for you if you knew? it's not like that information would affect anything, unless you wanted it to. i don't wanna give you TOO much power but it'd be up to you whether or not you would want to do anything with what i told you. what i'm telling you. you'll never see this, you'll never know. maybe things should just stay that way. this really puts a strain on our friendship. i need to stop doing this, falling for every guy best friend i've ever had. how pathetic. this will just be another suppressed emotion. after all, it's for the best, right..?
the tenth circle letter pt 2
Dearest EC00P,
So I have pretty much already told you what happened in this section. Trixie goes back to school, and then the topless picture of her gets out and she tries to kill herself. Jason hears about this and feels extremely guilty but is still sticking to his statement that they had consensual sex that night. Daniel kidnaps Jason and threatens to kill him. Then, a few weeks later, Jason commits suicide, or so everyone thinks. The detective who was working Trixie's rape case now has a sneaking suspicion that Jason was killed. He blames Trixie, because the detective found a female's blood on Jason's corpse and an unfamiliar bootprint in the snow. But Trixie is/was still in love with Jason, despite everything. She even sees his ghost. Here's a quote! BAM.
"She knew he was standing there before she even opened her eyes. Jason leaned against her dresser, one elbow already morphing through the wood. His eyes had faded almost entirely, all Trixie could see were holes as deep as the sky. [...] She felt him curl up behind her, spooning, his words falling over her ear like frost. If you don't come, he whispered, how will you know I'm really gone? She felt him disappear a little while after that, taking all the extra air in the room." (pg 251)
There aren't very many scenes like this in the book, since immediately after this, Trixie goes to Jason's funeral where she sees his ghost for the final time. I like these moments mainly because they prove to me that Trixie would be incapable of pushing Jason off of a bridge because she simply loves him too much.
Anyways, after the funeral, Mike (the detective) comes over to question Trixie about Jason's murder. Daniel and Mike find out that Trixie has left the premises. This really makes her seem like the perfect murder suspect but I'm still convinced it wasn't her. Where do you think Trixie could have gone? Do you think she killed Jason? Anyways, hopefully we find out in the next section! Teehee tummy tums! DEUCES.
So I have pretty much already told you what happened in this section. Trixie goes back to school, and then the topless picture of her gets out and she tries to kill herself. Jason hears about this and feels extremely guilty but is still sticking to his statement that they had consensual sex that night. Daniel kidnaps Jason and threatens to kill him. Then, a few weeks later, Jason commits suicide, or so everyone thinks. The detective who was working Trixie's rape case now has a sneaking suspicion that Jason was killed. He blames Trixie, because the detective found a female's blood on Jason's corpse and an unfamiliar bootprint in the snow. But Trixie is/was still in love with Jason, despite everything. She even sees his ghost. Here's a quote! BAM.
"She knew he was standing there before she even opened her eyes. Jason leaned against her dresser, one elbow already morphing through the wood. His eyes had faded almost entirely, all Trixie could see were holes as deep as the sky. [...] She felt him curl up behind her, spooning, his words falling over her ear like frost. If you don't come, he whispered, how will you know I'm really gone? She felt him disappear a little while after that, taking all the extra air in the room." (pg 251)
There aren't very many scenes like this in the book, since immediately after this, Trixie goes to Jason's funeral where she sees his ghost for the final time. I like these moments mainly because they prove to me that Trixie would be incapable of pushing Jason off of a bridge because she simply loves him too much.
Anyways, after the funeral, Mike (the detective) comes over to question Trixie about Jason's murder. Daniel and Mike find out that Trixie has left the premises. This really makes her seem like the perfect murder suspect but I'm still convinced it wasn't her. Where do you think Trixie could have gone? Do you think she killed Jason? Anyways, hopefully we find out in the next section! Teehee tummy tums! DEUCES.
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