Friday, May 14, 2010

the tenth circle letter pt 2

Dearest EC00P,

So I have pretty much already told you what happened in this section.  Trixie goes back to school, and then the topless picture of her gets out and she tries to kill herself.  Jason hears about this and feels extremely guilty but is still sticking to his statement that they had consensual sex that night.  Daniel kidnaps Jason and threatens to kill him.  Then, a few weeks later, Jason commits suicide, or so everyone thinks.  The detective who was working Trixie's rape case now has a sneaking suspicion that Jason was killed.  He blames Trixie, because the detective found a female's blood on Jason's corpse and an unfamiliar bootprint in the snow.  But Trixie is/was still in love with Jason, despite everything.  She even sees his ghost. Here's a quote! BAM.

"She knew he was standing there before she even opened her eyes.  Jason leaned against her dresser, one elbow already morphing through the wood.  His eyes had faded almost entirely, all Trixie could see were holes as deep as the sky. [...] She felt him curl up behind her, spooning, his words falling over her ear like frost.  If you don't come, he whispered, how will you know I'm really gone? She felt him disappear a little while after that, taking all the extra air in the room." (pg 251)

There aren't very many scenes like this in the book, since immediately after this, Trixie goes to Jason's funeral where she sees his ghost for the final time.  I like these moments mainly because they prove to me that Trixie would be incapable of pushing Jason off of a bridge because she simply loves him too much.

Anyways, after the funeral, Mike (the detective) comes over to question Trixie about Jason's murder.  Daniel and Mike find out that Trixie has left the premises. This really makes her seem like the perfect murder suspect but I'm still convinced it wasn't her.  Where do you think Trixie could have gone? Do you think she killed Jason? Anyways, hopefully we find out in the next section! Teehee tummy tums! DEUCES.

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