Thursday, May 20, 2010

the tenth circle letter part 3


I always love the ending of books because they always have sooo much drama! So in the end of this book, we find out that Trixie ran away to the Alaskan village that her dad grew up in/ran away from.  She meets this Alaskan boy named Willie who's quiet and nice and makes her feel safe.  Daniel and Laura follow her, and Laura ends up staying with Caine's family.  If ya don't remembaa, Caine was Daniel's best friend/only friend in Alaska since Daniel was the only white kid and an outsider.  Caine was the one who killed himself, the one whose blood ended up on Daniel's hands.

Anyways, the ending of this book is written very well, and it keeps you hanging is suspense because it flashes back and forth between the Stones' search for their daughter and Mike, the detective, scrambling for cold hard evidence that Trixie pushed Jason off the bridge.  It's kind of like a show, when they they switch between different scenes.  The incriminating evidence that Daniel ends up finding is: a) The blood of a female on Jason's body; b) The bootprint that matches that of Trixie Stone's snow boots; and c) The bright red lock of hair found at the scene.

When Daniel finally finds Trixie, the truth comes out. 

"She had told him her secret: that she was a liar.  Not just about being a virgin and playing Rainbow... but even more.  She'd never said no to Jason that night. although she'd told the DA she had. [...] But no one ever said yes to make sex consensual.  You took hints from body language, from the way two people came together.  Why, then, didn't a shake of the head or a hand pushing hard against a chest speak just as loudly? Why did you have to actually say the word no for it to be rape?" (pg 372)

This quote is really important to me because it starts to unravel Trixie's web of lies (<-- you likey?).  It also really makes the reader think about the crime of rape.  The line between sex and rape may seem like a fine one, but if you really think about it, sometimes that line is blurred.

The police also find Trixie as well, and they have a warrant out for her arrest.  Naturally, Daniel and Laura come to Trixie's defense and both take the blame for Jason's death.  At the end, it turns out that Laura, the mother, was the one who killed Jason Underhill.  I always knew that Trixie, a child, could never be capable or murdering anyone, much less her ex-boyfriend whom she was still very much in love with.

Well I'm sad that this is our last lit circle but I'm really glad I ended with this book. It was amazing and beautifully written. :)


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