Tuesday, April 20, 2010

my sister's keeper pt 3

My dearest, whitest, most Lil Wayne-obsessed, and most gleeful gal pal -

Holy shit I know you've already read this book but I can't believe it ended the way it did ! I'm mucho glad we picked this book to read though.  It's definitely much better than Suite Scarlett.  I love the way it's written, with little anecdotes sprinkled innnn.  Also, the plot has so much more meaning. Anyways, let's get into the story itself, SHALL WE!!?!?!?!?

Let's start with Campbell! We finally find out what Judge's purpose is, which is pretty scary.  It also explains why he left Julia back when they were 18.  When he had his seizure in the middle of court, it was really shocking. What if Brian wasn't there? No one would know what to do.  I still like the way he keeps everyone guessing when they ask about Judge though.  I can't believe he kept his epilepsy and his car accident a secret for so many years.

Oooh gurl Brian found about Jesse's pyromania-ness!  And they had a moment <3. Jesse still has serious issues though.  I'mglad he still tries to cheer Kate up while she's in the hospital.

OMG about the story about Kate's first love! It was adorable, but I almost cried when she found out that he had died.  They were really cute together, and if he had survived, they would make for a really amazing couple! How depressing. Do you think that Sara made the right choice in keeping this from Kate? I think she should have told her, but that's just me.

Now for the most important part- ANNA DIES!!!?!?!? It made me HELLA sad when it happened.  It was crazy, Campbell getting into yet another bad car crash, Brian being the one to rescue his daughter, and Kate turning out to be the sister that lived.  It's almost poetic. This really brought the book all together. It's also crazy that Anna's kidney turned out to be the one thing Kate needed to live.  After all this fuss over the lawsuit and NOT donating the kidney to Kate, she lives from it.  I wonder how Kate feels now, since she was so ready to die before.

So basically, all her life, Anna was her sister's savior. From the time she was conceived to even after her death, the purpose of her life was to keep her sister alive.  To fulfill this, she had to die.  Once her sister didn't need her anymore, no one did. That's a really cynical and simplistic way to see it, but I think that's how the author was thinking of it too.

Anyways, you already know how much I LUHHH this book. We should definitely read more Jodi Picoult books for lit circles.  Byeeeeee!

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